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I have just returned from the gem shows at Tucson Arizona. Tucson is the place where the whole gem and jewellery world gathers to who off what is new, interesting, and happening. I go there to learn what is in the market, to give lectures, and participate on specialist panels.

I was struck by the work of the Italian cameo worker Vincenzo Imposimato. The work of this artist is very distinctive. Even items that depict conventional images show unique elements, and most are entirely distinctive.

The designs are unlike others that I have seen. It is rare for cameos to be pierced with openings from front to back.

These carvings will make for very distinctive jewels.

At auction, we regularly feature cameos, and many of them are artist pieces that are unique representations of their own time. Recently, Lot 460 in the Spring 2013 sale featured a very fine art cameo by Nino Ammendola.460