Art Nouveau Pendant at Auction

Art Nouveau Pendant at Auction

To be offered in the Spring 2014 sale, June 22, this pendant is an elegantly simple jewel. It came to the auction in a fitted box, can you imagine a workshop set up specifically to build boxes that are made to fit individual jewels?

This pendant dates from the time when only natural pearls were available, so it is likely that the pearls are natural. We have not verified them, but they are certainly bright and lustrous.

This Art Nouveau design is symmetrical, with a lyre-like form composed of diamonds in ribbons of silver topped gold.

Dating from before white gold was introduced, and prior to the widespread use of platinum, silver was the white metal of choice for setting diamonds to show them to the best effect.

After a century, the silver has a dark colour, and perhaps shows the diamonds to even better effect. However, even compared to many modern items, it is in very good condition.

Its size and form are perfect for almost any occasion, from casual gatherings to formal affairs.